Fitness fans say farewell to Dawn, and hello to Victor

The fitness baton at Eastlea Community Centre has been passed from long-time instructor Dawn Attrill to our new exercise guru Victor Lahai-Taylor.

Dawn is stepping down after 22 years of taking fitness classes at the Centre, often several times a week.

She has introduced Centre users to zumba, fitsteps, sit and be fit, fit dance & tone and other disciplines over the years she has been running classes here.

“I feel like I’m part of the family here at the Community Centre,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed the community feel, and the loyalty I’ve had from the ladies in the class.”

That will now be taken up by Victor, who took part in Dawn’s final session at the Centre, when the class members presented her with leaving gifts.

He is looking forward to teaching zumba, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and any other disciplines for which there’s a demand.

His classes start in the New Year, on January 4th, at 6.30pm - just in time for those New Year fitness resolutions!

Pictured are Dawn and Victor, and class members presenting Dawn with leaving gifts.


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